Feeding Frenzy Golems

Feeding frenzy golems 3

  1. Feeding Frenzy Golems In Minecraft
Alongside the release of the Blight expansion, we're introducing the Carrion Golem and a handful of new Support Gems that let you customise your minions.

Summon Carrion Golem

The Carrion Golem is a well-rounded attacker, using a rapid melee attack, a leap slam to get into the thick of combat, and a powerful cooldown-restricted multi-cascade slam. As its passive Golem buff, it grants added physical damage to all non-golem minions, including their attacks and spells. It has a unique feature among golems, gaining more damage for each of your non-golem minions around it, up to 80% more damage.
A single Carrion Golem fits well into established Minion builds as an extra bonus to all of your necromantic minions. It can also be invested in more heavily by taking various sources of additional golems (including a new notable passive) and using multiple golems alongside a swarm of zombies or skeletons.
There are also four new support gems that you can place on minions to change their behaviour and function:

Feeding Frenzy Support

The Feeding Frenzy support gem makes supported minions aggressive, increasing the range that they'll seek out enemies. It also gives hits from the minions a chance to give you the Feeding Frenzy buff, granting more minion damage and increased minion attack, cast and movement speed. While you have the Feeding Frenzy buff, the supported minions deal even more damage.

Meat Shield Support

The Meat Shield support gem makes supported minions defensive, causing them to only attack enemies that get very close to you. It also gives the minions a chance to taunt on hit, reduces the damage they take, and causes them to deal more damage to enemies close to you.
If minions are both Aggressive and Defensive, those effects cancel out, returning the minions to their original behaviour. All other bonuses from the support gems still apply.

Deathmark Support

The Deathmark support gem grants supported minions more damage, and grants you the Deathmark skill. Casting Deathmark on an enemy causes all minions supported by a Deathmark support to prioritise attacking the target, and gives them a further damage multiplier against that enemy. Casting Deathmark on a new enemy removes any existing Deathmark.
You can Deathmark to have precise targeting for specific minions, and the Deathmark targeting will override Aggressive or Defensive behaviour while it is active. The minions will fall back on their regular targeting if no Deathmark is present.
Different combinations of these three support gems let you use different minions for different roles. An example might be using your Zombies with Meat Shield to protect you, your Carrion Golems with Feeding Frenzy to clear groups of enemies, and the Deathmark Support on both of them so you can send all of them in after bosses while you evade the bosses abilities from a distance.

Infernal Legion Support

The Infernal Legion support gem causes supported minions to take a large percent of their maximum life as fire damage over time. They all gain a burning damage aura, dealing fire damage over time to nearby enemies. The effect doesn't stack, but is modified by minion damage increases and other support gems.
This support can be used to deal damage to large groups of enemies, and is available at quite a low level, so is an alternative to Melee Splash for some minion types. It also works well alongside the Minion Instability keystone, letting you use your minions as walking time bombs.
We'll be revealing further minion changes, including the new wand base type, Necromancer ascendancy, and passive tree in the upcoming teasers and news. In the meantime, check out a video of the new gems:
Posted byNatalia_GGG
on Aug 22, 2019, 3:55:06 AM
Posted by
on Aug 22, 2019, 3:59:13 AM
OK i get it im going summoner next league geez!!!!
Posted by
on Aug 22, 2019, 3:59:48 AM
looks like they are making everything possible for necromancer to be the next fotm..
I guess sooner or later I had to try out necromancer..
Turning players into payers.
Have 'fun' alpha testing this league. I may or may not play this league after they are done 'listening' to feedback.
The same people laughing at the dead horse for W3 reforged mysteriously ignores that every new league TGGG releases is a W3 reforged.
Posted by
on Aug 22, 2019, 3:59:48 AM
Is this something you'll have to pay for? Will the next fotm get nerfed as well?
Posted by
on Aug 22, 2019, 4:04:58 AM
IGN: Gonorreitor
Posted by
on Aug 22, 2019, 4:06:01 AM
Are these gems going to work with the Dancing Duo Minions GGG?
Posted by
on Aug 22, 2019, 4:06:27 AM
Posted by
on Aug 22, 2019, 4:07:34 AM
This is the minion buff we were all hoping for! This all looks amazing.
Posted by
on Aug 22, 2019, 4:08:19 AM
Awesome shit! Looking forward to being a necro again
Posted by
on Aug 22, 2019, 4:08:56 AM

Carrion golems behave the exact same way they do when not using primordial might jewel but they behave aggressively when using the feeding frenzy support, making the primordial might jewel 100% useless. Feeding frenzy and Animate weapon. Question So, we know that feeding frenzy only increases the aggro range of the minion, and there are some minions that already has aggro bigger than the feeding frenzy support (SRS for example).


Feeding Frenzy Golems In Minecraft


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So I know they nerfed the the damage twice now (well they removed it), but it still says the minions should have aggressive ai.
I tried it with stone golems and zombies for now. Both previous leagues my 'feeling' was that they went bonkers, I mean batshit crazy compared to their usual selfs. Now I feel like it was heavily tuned down.
- Zombies go from: Literary stand right behind me fiddling around while monsters happily kick my teeth in. To: If the monster is within half a screen of me they will attack it, but they will not go 'Seek & Destroy' as I felt they did before.
- Stone golems: I feel no change whatsoever when I link the gem. Their AI already attack mobs in half a screen range without the gem, when I link the gem, nothing happens.
Last bumped on Mar 19, 2020, 11:49:32 PM
Posted by
on Mar 17, 2020, 6:04:29 PM
i think too
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Posted by
on Mar 18, 2020, 5:31:06 AM
I have noticed the Vasl Skeletons just wander over the battlefield as if they are taking a stroll in the park. Especially the Skeleton General. I hope they fix this, if it is a bug. I still use the gem with the skeletons, nut I don't know if it is worth it.
P.S. After a couple of more days of observation, the large skeleton from Vaal Summon Skeletons just wanders about doing absolutely nothing.
Last edited by xxn1927 on Mar 19, 2020, 1:37:27 PM
Posted by
on Mar 18, 2020, 6:06:44 AM
Most likely a bug in overall AI. I've also noticed that minions are basically dumb as fk, can't even acquire the nearest target.
In the previous patch - skeletons were naturally aggressive, running around killing stuff, now half of them doesn't do anything
Posted by
on Mar 18, 2020, 8:39:46 PM
Its most likely an unintended change or bug. Zombies are acting really weird, especially when in idle mode. They teleport short distances and stuff (but not only zombies). With feeding frenzy they mostly only attack when i also attack. Right now it only seems to work correctly when used with skeletons. So yea, besides giving the buff, the gem doesnt seem to serve other purposes...
Posted by
on Mar 18, 2020, 9:28:44 PM
the last feeding frenzy nerf i heard about was
'Feeding Frenzy Support
Now gives minions from supported skills 25% chance to grant Feeding Frenzy to you on hit at gem level 1, up to 44% at gem level 20 (previously 25% at all gem levels).
No longer causes minions from supported skills to deal more damage while you have Feeding Frenzy.'
doesn't mention aggressiveness
maybe post in bug report section also to make sure.
Posted by
on Mar 18, 2020, 9:48:43 PM
I have seen the weird idle behavior as well. Not sure whether it is my imagination but yes my skellies seem to be idling a lot.
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2020, 11:18:34 AM
Ah seeing this makes me happy as I thought it's my imagination.
I too think it's an AI isuue as many of my minions are just sitting there.
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2020, 12:22:15 PM
I hope it's not intended since there's no mention about it in the patch notes.
Damage nerf was deserved but not this.
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2020, 3:26:55 PM
I started a summoner to farm and quit around the 30's. Damage nerf is understandable, but you can't have an already passive build with passive zombies.
Mad me remember my Embermage pets from Torchlight fondly. They were always aggressive then you have a couple of buffs to increase their damage and ferocity. Way back then, Runic got summoner AI right.
Posted by
on Mar 19, 2020, 4:24:32 PM

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