Shark Feeding Frenzy Yallingup

Shark feeding frenzy yallingup free

Two great white sharks have been caught on camera feasting on a whale carcass off the coast of Yallingup in Western Australia.

Apr 02, 2010 Black tip Reef Shark in a 1200gallon aquarium on a feeding frenzy! Huge saltwater community tank. Only at king aquarium! Please Subscribe or become a fan on. Ocean explorers recording a “rarely seen” shark feeding frenzy on the ocean floor say the violence took an odd turn when an even bigger predator ambushed one of sharks, and swallowed it hole.


Fishermen Jesse Gibson and his friend James Powley captured the incredible footage on Saturday morning.

‘No f**king way!,’ the stunned men could be heard saying while watching the 4.5metre sharks devour the dead whale.

Mr Gibson said the feeding frenzy went on for about 40 minutes, after the sharks circled his boat for 10 minutes.

Shark Feeding Frenzy Yallingup

‘I’ve never seen anything like that, I don’t think many people ever will, it was a once in a lifetime – it was gnarly,’ Mr Gibson told 7News.

The seasoned fisherman said he regularly spots sharks, but has never witnessed anything like this.

‘It was out of this world,’ the 21-year-old said.

Two great white sharks have been caught on camera feasting on a whale carcass off the coast of Yallingup, in Western Australia, over the weekend

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