Newborn Day 3 Feeding Frenzy

  1. Newborn Day 3 Feeding Frenzy Video

Our timeline for breastfeeding really begins when we are young. Our exposure to breastfeeding within our family, our community and in the media influences what we think and feel about breastfeeding.

But for many women, it's not until you are pregnant that you really start to think about breastfeeding.

Here's an idea of what a pregnant mum, and her partner, can do and expect during pregnancy, through to the arrival of baby and beyond.

Before the birth of your baby

Typically ‘feeding frenzies’ occur at 2-3 days (“calling your milk in”); usually again around 2 or 3 weeks, sometimes again at around 6 weeks, very commonly around 3 months and around 6 months of age. Aug 08, 2004  Feeding Frenzy - posted in Birth-6 Months: Hello LadiesMy bub is 6 days old and we came home from the hospital 2 days ago, in hospital she slept and feed every 3. May 08, 2009 My 3 day-old newborn nurses only every 5 hours? I have 2 problems actually. One is that he is a very sleepy baby i try constantly to feed him every 3 hours but he ends up only eating every 5 hours.

  • Prepare your own personal Breastfeeding Plan
  • Find an ABA Breastfeeding Education Class. If there isn't one happening in your area, or when you need it, contact your local hospital or your health professional.
  • Join the Australian Breastfeeding Association. Your 12-month membership includes a copy of the Association's book called Breastfeeding … naturally (valued at $34.95) as well as a quarterly magazine called Essence. More information about membership can be found here
  • Go to your local ABA get-together to meet local mums and mums-to-be.
  • Watch and talk to other breastfeeding mums.
  • Talk to your partner about how important breastfeeding is. Ask him or her to attend a Breastfeeding Education Class with you.
  • Speak to your employer about a return to work policy that supports breastfeeding employees. The Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace site has lots of useful information.

After the birth

  • Request skin-to-skin contact with your baby as soon as possible after birth. If separation is needed, ask that your baby has skin-to-skin contact with your partner.
  • Nipple sensitivity is common early on. Pain is NOT. Seek skilled help early to prevent damage to your nipples. Lactation consultants and Australian Breastfeeding Association counsellors have those skills.
  • Day 1: baby will have a small amount of colostrum (the early, yellow/gold milk) each feed, at least 1 wet nappy and sticky black poo.
  • Day 2: baby will continue to get small amounts of colostrum at each feed, at least 2 wet nappies and less sticky green-black poo.
  • Day 3: breastmilk is starting to increase, at least 3 wet nappies and poos are becoming greenish-brown and softer.
  • Day 4: at least 4 wet nappies and poos becoming a lighter green-brown or may have changed to a mustard-yellow and can be 'seedy' or watery.
  • Day 5 onward: breastmilk supply increasing, at least 6 heavy wet cloth nappies (or 5 heavy wet disposable nappies) with pale urine, and poo mostly mustard-yellow, soft or liquid at least 3 times every 24 hours. Babies older than 6 weeks may have fewer poos.

At home

  • Expect to spend lots of time sitting down, feeding your baby!! It is common for young babies to feed 8-12 times or more in 24 hours. You and your baby are working hard to get the right amount of milk happening!
  • It can take 6-8 weeks for the breastfeeding 'dance' between mum and baby to find its rhythm. Each baby/mother pair is unique with different patterns, so try not to compare yourself or your baby to others.
  • There are usually lots of questions, from both parents, so your breastfeeding support network is very important at this time. ABA is recognised internationally as a source of breastfeeding information and support, so call us on our national toll-free Breastfeeding Helpline number on 1800 686 268 any time. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Further breastfeeding information, forums and are also easily accessed on our website. We also offer email counselling to our members. See the full range of benefits you get with ABA membership.
  • Accept all offers of help from friends and family - you deserve it!
  • Go to your local Australian Breastfeeding Association get-togethers where you will meet mums with babies of the same age, with similar questions and experiences.
  • Going out with your breastfed baby is easy. You have baby's food ready to go, at the right temperature, in sustainable and attractive packaging (!) any time.
  • Have your nappy bag packed ready at the door - nappies, wipes, perhaps a baby sling and a change of clothes are really all you need.
  • If bub is hungry while you are out, feel free to breastfed him/her anywhere you and your baby are legally able to be. Be proud of what you and your baby can do.
  • Don't hesitate to contact an ABA breastfeeding counsellor by phone or email if you have any questions.
  • Consult Breastfeeding … naturallyor the articles on the Breastfeeding Information section of the ABA website.

As time goes on

  • From around 6 weeks, many mums find they have lost that 'full' feeling in their breasts and start to question whether they have enough milk. What is actually happening is that your milk supply is starting to match the needs of your baby - clever you!
  • If you are concerned about your baby's weight gain, check this information on how to tell if your baby is getting enough milk. If you have any questions, large or small, don't hesitate to contact our trained volunteer counsellors on the Breastfeeding Helpline, or your health professional.
  • Family foods can be introduced at around 6 months. The World Health Organization recommends that babies continue to receive breastmilk for 2 years, or more, as long as mother and child wish.
  • Returning to work - explore childcare options that are going to be compatible with your family needs and supportive of caring for a breastfed baby. There are some excellent resources available about returning to work on this part of our website and on the Breastfeeding Friendly Workplace website.
  • Celebrate your baby's many milestones, small and large. Above all, love your baby and enjoy your time with them!!

Breastfeeding: an introduction booklet

Breastfeeding: an Introduction provides a basic outline of the key aspects of breastfeeding.

© Australian Breastfeeding Association Reviewed October 2016

When you understand your newborn’s sleep patterns and habits, you can start to establish a little more structure in your daily life and build a little more confidence in your decisions and actions during the baby’s first days.

While newborns can’t stay on a strict sleep or feeding schedule – mostly due to their many growth spurts in these early months – these sample newborn sleep and feeding schedules can guide you through these stages and make sure everyone is getting the sleep and nutrition they need.

Otherwise, you may be soothing a crying baby all day.

A newborn baby cries a lot more when they are over-tired, not sleeping enough, or hungry. In other words, getting him or her on a routine (even if it’s not a strict schedule) can be a life-saver!

Your newborn’s feeding schedule should be age-appropriate, and you should never withhold food from a newborn just to stay on schedule. A newborn sleep schedule is also often based on how long your baby can stay awake (not strictly by the clock), which is usually short in the newborn days.

Keep reading to discover what you can do to get started.

Understanding Newborn Sleep Patterns

A baby is considered a newborn from birth until about 3 months of age.

During this period, your newborn’s sleep patterns will look nothing like yours.

Your baby will sleep in short bursts – anywhere from 30 or 45 minutes to 3 or possibly 4 hours – and then eat between periods of sleep.

In other words, the typical day/night sleep cycle doesn’t really apply to newborns. Some newborns come out of the womb with their days and nights completely mixed up!

This is called day/night confusion, and babies who struggle with it tend to sleep a lot during the day and then wake up frequently at night.

Many newborns also seem extra sleepy in the first week or two after birth and must be woken up to feed or drift off while feeding before getting their fill.

Eventually, though, your newborn will definitely “wake up” within three weeks after birth. This is when you will start to deal with more wakefulness. In fact, you may start to miss the early weeks of having a super-sleepy newborn!

Babies simply cry more often as they get a bit older (depending on temperament), but you will quickly learn how to soothe a crying baby.

Working with Newborn Feeding Schedules

Newborns feed very, very frequently, but this isn’t a problem that needs to be solved.

It’s perfectly natural!

Your newborn’s tummy is quite small. They simply need to fill it up regularly.

Formula-fed newborns may need to eat slightly less often than breastfed newborns because it takes a newborn’s tummy longer to digest and break down formula.

So babies tend to feel fuller for longer periods of time. Breast milk, on the other hand, is digested fairly quickly.

How much breastmilk or formula does your baby need?

Every situation is different, of course, but if your baby is formula-fed, you can use a fairly simple formula to determine approximately how many ounces your baby needs in a day.

Simply multiply your baby’s weight by 2.5.

For example, an 8-pound baby would need about 20 ounces of formula in a 24-hour period.

Newborn Day 3 Feeding Frenzy Video

If your baby is breastfed, the general rule is that most newborns need between 20 and 30 ounces of breastmilk (and between 25-35 ounces once they’re past the newborn stage).

How often should you feed your baby?

In general, if you are exclusively nursing, it’s best to nurse on demand in the first few weeks after birth to ensure that your milk supply becomes well-established. In fact, in order to maintain your supply, you’ll need to nurse every 2 to 3 hours, on average.

Once your baby is past 3 months of age and is in the infant stage, that will slowly stretch into 5-6 hours, and then 7-8, and eventually right up to 10 or 11 hours once your baby is 9 months old or 10 months old.

Newborn Growth Spurts

Believe it or not, a lot is going on with your newborn baby.

So much growth and development is happening in that little body! Your newborn will very likely go through growth spurts at the following times:

  • 7-10 days of age
  • 2-3 weeks of age
  • 4-6 weeks of age
  • 3 months of age

During these growth spurts, it will feel like your newborn is feeding almost constantly (and like when she’s not feeding, she’s sleeping). This is 100% normal – feed your newborn as often as she needs it, as the extra nourishment is important during the growth spurt.

How to Create a Newborn Feeding and Sleep Schedule

Your unique newborn’s wake times and total sleep needs may vary from what is recommended below.

These schedules are based on averages, but your baby may need more or less sleep (or shorter/longer wake times) than what is listed here.

Remember, watch your baby’s sleepy cues closely (rubbing eyes, yawning, staring off into space, etc.), and let those guide the sleep schedule.

Remember, too, that if your baby is already fussing, he or she is already overtired. Try to get your child down for his or her nap earlier next time, before the fussing starts.

2-8 Week Old Newborn, Breast Feeding

This schedule is best for babies who consume average amounts of breast milk and for moms who have average breast milk production and storage amounts.

9:00 AMWake and Feed*
10:00 AMNap (30-60 minutes)
11:00 AMWake and Feed
12:30 PMNap (30-60 minutes)
1:30 PMWake and Feed
3:30 PMNap (30 – 60 minutes)
4:30 PM Wake and Feed
6:00 PMNap (30 – 60 minutes)
6:30 PMWake and Feed
7:30 PMCatnap (20 – 30 minutes)
8:00 PMWake and Feed
9:30 PMCatnap (20 – 30 minutes)
10:00 PMWake and Feed
11:30 PMFeed and Bedtime*
3:30 AMFeed and Right back to sleep
6:30 AMFeed and Right back to sleep

* – We recommend you make these fixed points in your baby’s schedule. You can read more about this in our article on fixed points in a baby schedule.

Babies who eat smaller amounts, babies with reflux, and moms who produce and store smaller amounts of breastmilk will need a different schedule. So will babies who eat larger amounts per feeding and moms who produce/store greater amounts of breast milk.

Schedules for those scenarios, as well as schedules for older, breastfed newborns, are available in our newborn book, Essential Keys To Your Newborn’s Sleep.

2-8 Week Old Newborn, Formula Feeding

This schedule recommends longer naps and fewer feedings than the breastfeeding schedule above, simply because formula is more difficult for baby to digest. So, babies tend to feel fuller longer and therefore need slightly fewer feedings.

9:00 AMWake and Feed*
10:00 AMNap (60 – 90 minutes)
11:30 AMWake
12:30 PMFeed and Nap (30 – 60 minutes)
1:30 PMWake
3:00 PMFeed and Nap (60 – 90 minutes)
4:30 PMWake and Feed
6:00 PMNap (30 – 60 minutes)
6:30 PMWake
7:30 PMFeed and Nap (30 – 60 minutes)
8:30 PMWake
9:30 PMNap (30 – 60 minutes)
10:00 PMWake and Feed
11:30 PMFeed and Bedtime*
4:30 AMFeed and Right back to sleep
7:30 AMFeed and Right back to sleep

* – We recommend you make these fixed points in your baby’s schedule. You can read more about this in our article on fixed points in a baby schedule.

For formula-feeding schedules for older newborns, see our newborn book, Essential Keys To Your Newborn’s Sleep.

Additional Newborn Sleep Articles

Want more newborn sleep tips? Check out our other newborn sleep articles:

  • Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits In Your Newborn (Members Area tele-seminar)
  • Essential Keys to Your Newborn’s Sleep (Members Area digital book)
  • Your Top 5 Breastfeeding + Sleep Questions Answered by an Expert (Members Area article)

Want FREE sleep help that you can put to use right away? Download a copy of our free guide, 5 Ways To Help Your Child Sleep Through The Night! The guide is available to download instantly, which means you can start using the techniques in it as early as tonight. So download now, and learn why your baby is waking at night – and what you can do about it.
Click here to learn more about how to get your free guide.

A better night’s sleep could be just a few clicks away. So don’t wait – download now, and start your journey to better sleep tonight!

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Need Newborn Sleep Help? We Have the Resources You Need!

If you are tired of wading through stacks of baby sleep books that just aren't working, if you are beyond exhausted and just can't solve your newborn's sleep problems on your own...than personalized sleep consulting is for you. We have been around since 2008 and invite you to tap into 10+ years of experience. Our team of expert consultants will create a Personalized Sleep Plan® just for your family and then support you through every step of implementing your plan. We encourage you to consider our personalized, one-on-one Feedingbaby and toddler sleep consultation packages if you want to see real, meaningful results now. Your consultation package also includes ample follow-up help, designed to help you troubleshoot problems and tweak your plan as needed.
For even more help getting your newborn baby to sleep, check out our e-Book, Essential Keys to Your Newborn's Sleep. At over 90 pages long (and containing a variety of sample schedules for breastfed and formula-fed babies from birth - 16 weeks), this e-Book truly is a one-stop resource designed to help your newborn establish healthy sleep habits, right from birth. Whether you're a brand new parent or an experienced parents who needs to brush up newborn sleep basics, Essential Keys To Your Newborn's Sleep is a comprehensive and budget-friendly resource that will provide the information you need to work towards excellent sleep for your whole family, from day one. Grab your copy today!
Or, join our VIP Members Area that will grow with your family. It's packed with exclusive content and resources: e-Books, assessments, detailed case studies, expert advice, peer support, and more and actually costs less to join than buying products separately! As a VIP member, you'll also enjoy a weekly chat with an expert sleep consultant. And the best part - members receive 20% off all sleep consultation services! This is a resource that will truly grow with your child: it'll help you through the newborn phase and prepare you for the months ahead.

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