Feeding Frenzy Vs Meat Shield

  1. Feeding Frenzy Vs Meat Shields
  2. Feeding Frenzy Vs Meat Shield 1
Feeding Frenzy Vs Meat Shield

General Information. This page will guide you through the process of understanding what the best Azerite traits and items are for your Beast Mastery Hunter in the current (8.3) patch of the Battle for Azeroth World of Warcraft expansion. While you have the Feeding Frenzy buff, the supported minions deal even more damage. Meat Shield Support The Meat Shield support gem makes supported minions defensive, causing them to only attack enemies that get very close to you. It also gives the minions a chance to taunt on hit, reduces the damage they take, and causes them to deal more. May 16, 2015 Shield = Directions: Dose 1 spoon / 200Liters or ΒΌ smidgen spoon for 5g Smidgen 1/32 tsp. Of water after weekly change to maintain quality. Use twice / weekly when you have poor water quality, high bio-load or unknown death of shrimps. Shrimps will appear in a slight feeding frenzy digging around for the undissolved particles of Shield.

If you socket both on one minion type, are your minions aggressive, defensive, or just confused?
I'm asking because I've done it and they don't seem to be able to settle on one type of behavior.
Highest Character: Level 92 86% Block/Static Strike Champion - Abyss League
I get bored of the grind around 90, probably won't ever get a higher character.
Posted by
on Feb 8, 2020, 12:37:56 AM
If minions are both Aggressive and Defensive, those effects cancel out, returning the minions to their original behaviour. All other bonuses from the support gems still apply.

via https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2623295
- here's my sig
Posted by
on Feb 8, 2020, 1:02:44 AM
Highest Character: Level 92 86% Block/Static Strike Champion - Abyss League
I get bored of the grind around 90, probably won't ever get a higher character.
Posted by
on Feb 8, 2020, 1:50:27 AM

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Feeding Frenzy Vs Meat Shields

Well ye make them aggressive always and only keep meat shield to make them defensive

Why this would work, people would complain that use minions defensive. Because those would then be on the other end of the scale.
Switching minion AI in the middle of the fight is a retarded play style. You can always have the classic summoner play style by hitting targets with arc lightning to proc elemental equilibrium and direct your minions if your bitching about switching AI in the middle of the fight.

Well we already have Blood and Sand Stances, they could simply also affect minions. And I agree that if you do something (it would still be a socket) minions could also gain some benefits. Zombies could get a Leap in Agressive Mode and a Boneshield in Defensive as one example.
However the current Feeding Frenzy is way too aggressive to be the standard. My Minions mostly run offscreen and its most notably with Kitava Heralds, that just fire a few screens away and are also able to leapslam for considerable distances. It isn't too unusual that my Carrion Golem is the only one on the screen because all other minions have feeding frenzy, which is nice for blights because I just stay at the pump and the minions run out in all directions to kill the approaching enemies.
Posted by
on Sep 13, 2019, 12:12:42 AM
Well ye make them aggressive always and only keep meat shield to make them defensive

Why this would work, people would complain that use minions defensive. Because those would then be on the other end of the scale.
Switching minion AI in the middle of the fight is a retarded play style. You can always have the classic summoner play style by hitting targets with arc lightning to proc elemental equilibrium and direct your minions if your bitching about switching AI in the middle of the fight.

Well we already have Blood and Sand Stances, they could simply also affect minions. And I agree that if you do something (it would still be a socket) minions could also gain some benefits. Zombies could get a Leap in Agressive Mode and a Boneshield in Defensive as one example.
However the current Feeding Frenzy is way too aggressive to be the standard. My Minions mostly run offscreen and its most notably with Kitava Heralds, that just fire a few screens away and are also able to leapslam for considerable distances. It isn't too unusual that my Carrion Golem is the only one on the screen because all other minions have feeding frenzy, which is nice for blights because I just stay at the pump and the minions run out in all directions to kill the approaching enemies.

Inb4 someone crying that you are the 1% nobody should care about or some shit like that.
What was your favorite subject?
'P.E, I liked going to my limits'
'Music, it touches my soul'
'Biology, cause animals'
'Maths' 'So you wanted to be a scientist?' 'No, I want to calculate DPS in a doubledip setup with various uniques changing game mechanics and survivability in a 8 mod map.'
Posted by
on Sep 13, 2019, 7:59:18 AM
It's annoying that all of our minions that we want to do damage have that gem as an absolute must and it should just be programmed in.
We could do away with the aggressive modifier on the golem gem, the feeding frenzy gem altogether, and just make them all attack the way that minions are supposed to attack, furiously and all the time.
Just code it in please.

I get what you're saying, but isn't that kind of like asking for Melee Physical Damage Support to always be part of all melee skills?
Some supports are just so insanely good that they become mandatory, but making them free circumvents the opportunity cost that is the entire concept behind support gems in the first place.
Posted by
on Sep 13, 2019, 8:43:07 AM
The main point is that default AI is looked down upon as worthless. Simply rework it so it gains some benefit unavailable to other stances. Have minions aggro on enemies you attack or curse only in default stance, throw in some damage modifier on top and force other stances to use death mark if more dynamic control over targeting is desired. Maybe some extra effect with convocation could be added to only affect default AI.
Default - dynamic, easy to control
Feeding frenzy - very aggro but hard to control
Meat shield - defensive and tough
Last edited by respon on Sep 13, 2019, 9:05:55 AM
Posted by
on Sep 13, 2019, 9:05:25 AM
It's annoying that all of our minions that we want to do damage have that gem as an absolute must and it should just be programmed in.
We could do away with the aggressive modifier on the golem gem, the feeding frenzy gem altogether, and just make them all attack the way that minions are supposed to attack, furiously and all the time.
Just code it in please.

I get what you're saying, but isn't that kind of like asking for Melee Physical Damage Support to always be part of all melee skills?
Some supports are just so insanely good that they become mandatory, but making them free circumvents the opportunity cost that is the entire concept behind support gems in the first place.

Adding the damage/speed bonuses from the gem? no!
Adding the aggressive bit as a aggressive/defensive stance (like blood and sand) to the summon gems? yes please
Posted by
on Sep 13, 2019, 9:26:28 AM

Feeding Frenzy Vs Meat Shield 1

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