Feeding Frenzy Trial

Harold Burson* - Founding chairman, Burson-Marsteller

Feeding frenzy free trial

“Jon Harmon’s Feeding Frenzy is must reading both for CEOs and public relations professionals. His insider account of a real-life business disaster involving two iconic brand names, Ford and Firestone, has all the suspense of a fictional “thriller.” From his perch as a senior Ford communicator, he provides rare perspective on a conflict that engaged lawyers and communicators fighting for mega-stakes – dollars and, even more important, reputation.”

*named “the 20th Century’s most influential PR figure” byPR Week

Feeding Frenzy Trial

Dr. David E. Cole - Chairman, Center for Automotive Research, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Dec 10, 2016 Go to Case 1 and following the story until you come to the door leading to the emergency shelter. Once inside, crouch and shoot the photo as seen in the video, and there you go. Credit goes to.

Feeding Frenzy is a view from the inside of one the most intriguing events in the history of modern industry, the highly publicized drama of the Ford-Firestone conflict. Jon Harmon, a key player in the drama, gives us a clear view from the team that lived with the enormous challenge for months on end. His “lessons learned” are highly insightful and valuable for any organization dealing with serious legal conflict. The detail, quality of writing, complexity of the issues and the interesting cast of characters make this a very engaging and educational read.”

Feeding Frenzy Trial

Jonathan Bernstein - President & CEO, Bernstein Crisis Management, Inc; publisher: Crisis Manager

“The Ford-Firestone dispute marked the start of 21st century crisis communications, an environment where the court of public opinion is often more important than a court of law. Jon Harmon’s “ground zero” examination of these events at Ford provides invaluable insights and lessons to crisis managers everywhere. ”

E. Bruce Harrison - author:Corporate Greening 2.0

“Crisis communications expert Jon Harmon cracks open a famous case of a company under fire and comes away with fresh guidance for the corporate executive who wants to avoid costly mistakes and gain the advantage when things go wrong and critics are on the attack. A must-read for C-suiters.”

Gerald Baron - author:Now Is Too Late: Survival in an Era of Instant News

Feeding Frenzy has the compelling narrative drive of a novel. The drama comes alive with details of behind-the-scenes maneuvering and intriguing personalities. It delivers important crisis management lessons that executives need: instant news, the role of the Internet, the melodramatic approach to story telling used by today’s ratings-desperate media – and the role trial attorneys and opportunistic politicians play now that reputations and trust can be lost in a heartbeat.”

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