Feeding Frenzy Stack

Mar 21, 2020  feeding frenzy skillgem nerfs The Feeding Frenzy buff now grants 10% increased attack, cast, and movement speed to your minions (from 15%). Minions from supported skills now deal 5% more damage while you have the Feeding Frenzy buff at gem level.

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Run speed is the rate at which a character moves.

Run speed is the same for all races.

Barbarian and Monkclasses get bonuses to run speed. All other classes have the same base run speed.

Feeding Frenzy Stack
  • 1Modifiers of run speed

Modifiers of run speed[edit]

Feeding frenzy online gameFeeding Frenzy Stack

Enhancement bonus[edit]

(does not stack with each other):

  • Striding item effect which is commonly found on boots or rings (listed as 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, or 30% speed bonus; as of Update 16 the listed amount is the actual bonus).
  • Speed X item effect (5% per X, max 30% at Speed VI)
  • Longstrider spell (listed and actual 15%)
  • Expeditious Retreat spell (listed and actual 25%)
  • Haste spell (listed 40% actual 32% run speed bonus, also 15% attack speed bonus)
  • Shadow Walk spell (unlisted but actual 40% run speed bonus, also 50% concealment)
  • House Phiarlan Favor Reward the Phiarlan Pendant of Time's Warp Time spell (unlisted but actual 50% speed bonus, only in public areas).
  • Lesser Pendant of Travel gives 20 charges of Warp Time spell (50% speed bonus in public areas).

Base increase[edit]

(stacks with each other and highest Enhancement bonus):

  • VIP characters move 10% faster in public spaces (since Update 15)
  • Fast Movement (barbarian) (verified 10% at Barbarian level 1)
  • Fast Movement (monk) (unverified +5% plus +5% per 3 levels of Monk: 10% at 3, 15% at 6, 20% at 9, 25% at 12, 30% at 15, 35% at 18).
  • Fast Movement (bard swashbuckler): +1% per bard level (probably stacking with all)[]
  • Thief-Acrobat: Fast Movement +1% per rogue level. (probably stacking with all)[]
  • Druid wild shape: Wolf (10%) or Winter Wolf (15%). (probably stacking with all)[]
  • Feeding Frenzy: +1% per warlock level for 20 seconds after using Consume. (probably stacking with all)[]

Action Boost bonus[edit]

  • Sprint Boost (action boost for various classes)
  • Swift Defense (Sacred Defender enhancements / Stalwart Defender enhancements)
  • Tactical Mobility (Battle Engineer enhancements)

No change[edit]

  • Abundant Step does not increase run speed, nor is the distance jumped increased with a higher run speed.
  • Type of armor worn.
  • Race
  • Gender
  • Strength, Constitution, or length of run time (you don't get Exhausted from running)

Reduced by[edit]

  • Carrying capacity: reduces speed when you are weighed-down:
    • Load: Light (0% to 33.33% load): no penalty.
    • Load: Medium (33.34% to 66.66% load): -4.3%.
    • Load: Heavy (66.67% to 100% load): -11.8%.
    • Load: Other (more than 100% load): -30.8%.
  • Some spells, such as Slow, Blindness, Ray of Exhaustion, Stinking Cloud, Sleep, etc.
  • Some Weapon enhancements, such as Crippling, Stench, Paralyzing, Strength Sapping, Tendon Slice, Stunning, Slowburst, Limb Chopper
  • Some melee special attacks, such as Hamstring, Sap, Stunning blow
  • Being fatigued after using the Barbarian Rage ability
  • Using the Sneak ability
  • Jumping (verified)
  • Flying (the spell cast by the Storm Reaver in The Reaver's Fate and Reaver's Refuge (Note that the Swim skill reportedly determines travel speed when flying. It does not affect speed when jumping/falling without Fly.))
  • Being harried due to being hit while high level Dungeon Alert is active

External links[edit]

  • Help! I was robbed of my 30% striding! (part 87 of 'Things don't work as advertised') thread
  • Help! I was robbed of my 30% striding! (part 87 of 'Things don't work as advertised') thread update
  • fastest mover thread
  • Striding/Monk Speed/Longstrider, do they stack? thread
  • Haste Types DDO Forums thread
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