Feeding Frenzy Que Significa

Jan 31, 2020  Feeding frenzy definition is - a frenzy of eating: a wildly aggressive attack of prey by an animal or group of animals. How to use feeding frenzy in a sentence. Feeding frenzy meaning: 1. A situation in which people try to get as much as possible of something, for example information. What's the meaning of the phrase 'Feeding frenzy'? An aggressive attack on prey by a group of sharks. The resulting boiling and bloody sea results in the sharks wildly attacking any creature nearby.

feeding frenzyunknown
In its original form recorded in the early 1960s, it refers to the voracious feeding habits of sharks. From the late 1970s onward it came into use in its more general sense which means furious commercial competition.
by papermachete November 03, 2005
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Feeding Frenzydrugs
Usually the curse that follows after a group of friends have had a session of blazing and hit an all time high of munching, thus it turns into an orgy of eating.
'Dude, a few friends and I were blazing one night and once we all had the munchies, we shot through to Mcd's and had a feeding frenzy!!'
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Feeding Frenzyunknown
Any gathering of 3 or more feedbags in one area at the same time.

Que Significa Conflicto

At lunch today, there was a feeding frenzy going on in the cafeteria.
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feeding frenzyunknown
a scene of frantic competition or unrestrainedgreed (from a a situation where several sharks or other predatory fish attempt to catch a single prey animal at once)
The made in America comeback could eventually fuel a feeding frenzy among businesses looking to corner the market.

Feeding Frenzy Que Significado

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