Feeding Frenzy Hindi Meaning


Feeding frenzy. (Biology) a phenomenon in which aquatic predators, esp sharks, become so excited when eating that they attack each other. A period of intense excitement over or interest in a person or thing: the media erupt into a feeding frenzy. Feeding frenzy meaning: 1. A situation in which people try to get as much as possible of something, for example information. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus.

In a frenzy, people go into a state of hysteria. Stay away from hungry sharks or kids at a 16th birthday party when the pizza arrives if you don't want to get caught up in a feeding frenzy.

English to hindi meaning

Frenzy is derived from the Latin word phreneticus meaning 'delirious.' If you're in a frenzy, you're certainly delirious. You can be in a frenzy because something made you mad, happy, or even just hungry — whatever makes you so crazy you're not thinking clearly. Frenzy is often used when talking about a group of people (or animals) who get worked up at the same time about the same thing, like sharks near tasty fish or teenagers near pizza.

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